Compared to National Best Seller—New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal & Publisher's Weekly where do WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE by Dr. David Jeremiah
Current events are explained and resolved from social uprisings, pandemics, rampant failure in the cooperate world, and opinion-driven fear. W.D. Broughton does not take sides at social walls but shatters them by giving you to the point prophetic full revelation knowledge of the TRUTH on human errors and how to correct them. HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT gives you the secrets to SUCCESS from your neighborhood to the governments of the world.
Every day, we suffer racial divides, social injustices, and even racially motivated crimes all because of the color of our skin. But there are very few books that focus on why there are so many nationalities and skin tones.
Ancient mysteries are solved in this book that seeks to help us end social injustice. Get answers to questions such as:
• How does God reveal Himself to men living in ignorance?
• Why were stones handed down to children in ancient Jewish culture?
• What does the Holy Spirit say about why we are so many different colors?
• Is there a hidden history of black people in the Bible?
The Lord’s marvelous light dismantles the opinions of ancient philosophies as it reveals controversial knowledge based on the foundation of a towering structure that promotes justice and peace for everyone who enters.
Hidden away from hell and mankind are sealed secrets that have been reserved to defeat the darkness. Racism, social injustice, and oppression are not ready for what is about to be unearthed and revealed by His Marvelous Light.